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Reliant Bookstore

The End: The Imminent Ice Age and How We Can Stop It - 4647

The End: The Imminent Ice Age and How We Can Stop It - 4647

Regular price $5.34 USD
Regular price Sale price $5.34 USD
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"Completely convincing." -- Buckminster Fuller.. Did you know?... -- that some statistics indicate that our Earth is getting cooler, not warmer? -- that there appears to be a relationship between the minerals in the soil and the weather? -- that there appears to be a relationship between micro-organisms in the soil and the weather? -- that there appears to be a relationship between us people and the weather? -- that our planet Earth is usually not as comfortable as it has been during the past 10,000 or so years? -- that there seems to be a big cycle during the past 2 million years of warmer then cooler weather? -- that glaciers have been coming and going on this schedule for the past 2 million years? -- that during these years, when the carbon dioxide goes up the weather cools off? -- that the carbon dioxide level is now at the point where the glaciers usually start growing?
ASIN: 0890875073
Condition: Good
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