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Reliant Bookstore

Dinosaurs #2: Bite of the Albertosaurus (Dinosaurs Graphic Novels, 2) - 9423

Dinosaurs #2: Bite of the Albertosaurus (Dinosaurs Graphic Novels, 2) - 9423

Regular price $6.04 USD
Regular price Sale price $6.04 USD
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When you're a dinosaur, there's only one thing to fear: the dinosaurs that are bigger than you! How do the jaws of a T.Rex measure up to those of a shark or a lion? How could an Allosaurus eat as much as it did without getting sick? What happens when an Albertosaurus takes on a Carnotaurus? Bite of the Allosaurus is a snarling, bone-crunching look at the biggest beasts that ever lived!
ASIN: 1597075159
VSKU: RDV.1597075159.G
Condition: Good
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